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Provide job education and training

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2025-01-20
  • View count:2040

Provide job education and trainingProvide job education and training


1.Our institute offers "Food Baking Skills Training Class" for self-employed businesses. In this issue, we hired instructor Zeng Yongzhen, who has a Class B baking certificate, to share and teach baking principles and production techniques to the inmates, simplify the production process, and optimize bakery products.

2.This year, our institute launched a "Nail Painting Technical Training Class". We specially hired Zhang Manwen, Chairman of the Nantou County Nail Painting and Beauty Professionals Union, to teach at the institute. The course arrangement ranges from basic maintenance techniques to advanced nail painting techniques, and will guide inmates to obtain TNL Level 2 manicurists. After being released from prison, they can engage in related occupations as manicurists, manicure instructors, or start their own micro businesses.


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